The 5 Best Books To Help You Find Your Life Purpose: A Practical Journey with Exercises

Discovering your purpose in life is a deeply personal journey that requires self-reflection and courage. But finding your true purpose will change your life forever. It definitely changed my life. It is the inspiration that will help you get you through any challenges that might come your way. It helps you anchor in the moment. It makes you experience the greatest joy and love you will ever experience in your life.

It took me a few years to find it - and reading these five books about purpose definitely helped me tremendously to get there. To discover your purpose, you first need to know what the word actually means.

5 Best Books on Purpose: What does "Life Purpose" mean?

The first book by Eckhart Tolle actually explains it as being comprised of both an inner and an outer purpose. The purpose of life consists of your connection with the present moment - the joy of simply being and experiencing life. It also includes your unique contribution to the world, for example the career path you take.

Here are five great books to help you navigate this journey, along with key insights and practical exercises inspired by each - as a recommendation for you to get closer to your purpose.

1. A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

Book Summary: A New Earth

Reading Eckhart Tolle’s book A New Earth, I finally understood what purpose means. The book focuses on the transformational power of living in the present moment. Eckhart Tolle explains that much of our suffering arises from identifying too strongly with the ego and its endless desires. By detaching from the ego and anchoring ourselves in the now, we can connect with a deeper sense of purpose and harmony. It offers practical tools for mindfulness, making them a cornerstone for anyone seeking clarity and purpose.

The Concept of Inner and Outer Purpose

Eckhart Tolle's life work distinguishes between two types of purpose:

  • Inner Purpose: This is the universal purpose we all share—to awaken to the present moment and align with the flow of life. Inner purpose is about being rather than doing. It’s an internal state of presence and acceptance.

  • Outer Purpose: This refers to the specific goals and activities we pursue in life. It’s your personal mission, shaped by your unique talents, interests and circumstances. However, outer purpose should flow from inner purpose to ensure alignment and true fulfillment. Outer purpose always comes second and has to do with the doing dimension of your being.

3 Questions to Discover Your Inner Purpose

  1. What situations or activities make me feel completely present and at peace?

  2. When I am still and quiet, what deeper longing or truth arises within me?

  3. If all external achievements were taken away, who would I be at my core?

2. Find Your Own North Star by Martha Beck

Book Summary: Finding Your Own North Star

Martha Beck's book is also part of the list of the best books to find your way to your purpose and change your entire life. It uses the metaphor of a guiding star to help readers discover their life’s true direction.

The North Star represents your most authentic self and the life you are meant to live. She emphasizes that following your North Star requires listening to your intuition, embracing joy and shedding societal expectations. Your North Star is the direction your heart wants to follow, not your mind, which likes to keep you inside your comfort zone. She provides practical exercises to help align your choices with your core values.

How to Find Your North Star

  • Pay Attention to Joy: Notice the activities, people and experiences that bring you the most happiness and fulfillment.

  • Tune Into Your Body: Your body often signals alignment (through feelings of ease) or misalignment (through tension or discomfort).

  • Track Synchronicities: Look for meaningful coincidences that may point you in the right direction.

  • Let Go of “Should”: Distinguish between what you have been told you should do and what your heart truly desires.

The Wildly Improbable Goals (WIG) Exercise To Change Your Life

This exercise encourages you to dream big and stretch beyond what seems realistic:

  1. Write down three activities you love doing.

  2. Based on these activities, write down one “wildly improbable” goal per activity—things you deeply desire but believe are out of reach. For example: writing > publishing an international bestseller

  3. Choose one goal that excites and terrifies you in equal measure.

  4. Break it down into smaller steps and take one small, actionable step toward it today.

3. What’s in the Way Is the Way by Mary O’Malley

Book Summary: What’s in the Way Is the Way

Mary O’Malley’s book What’s in the Way Is the Way teaches that challenges and discomfort are not obstacles but doorways to self-discovery. The book explores the “meadow,” a place of innate peace and joy that lies beneath our layers of fear, pain and ego. Reading this book, I became curious about my struggles rather than resisting them. Through this hard work, we can reconnect with our true nature and lead a purpose-driven life.

The Concept of the Meadow: The Hidden Potential Within You

The meadow symbolizes the expansive, serene state of being that exists within us all. It is always there, but it gets obscured by the layers of egoic thinking, conditioning and unresolved emotional pain. Reconnecting with the meadow requires peeling back these layers and allowing our truest selves to simply be.

3 Questions to Uncover Your Purpose

  1. What beliefs or fears might be blocking me from seeing my true path?

  2. What parts of my life feel heavy and how can I approach them with curiosity instead of resistance?

  3. If I set aside everything I think I am supposed to be, what remains?

4. The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

Book Summary: The Artist’s Way

Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way is a 12-week program designed to help people recover their innate creativity. Through journaling (the practice of the morning pages), self-reflection, weekly artist dates and creative exercises, she encourages readers to silence their inner critic, reconnect with their inner child and let inspiration flow. The book emphasizes that creativity is not reserved for artists—it is a fundamental part of being human and a powerful way to uncover your purpose.

Why We Are All Creatives

Julia Cameron argues that creativity is our birthright. Whether we express it through art, problem-solving, or daily living, creativity is how we bring our unique essence into the world. She emphasizes that reclaiming our creative spirit is not about producing masterpieces but about rediscovering joy, play, and connection.

Exercise: Buried Dreams

  1. List five hobbies that sound fun.

  2. List five classes that sound fun.

  3. List five things you personally would never do that sound fun.

  4. List five skills that would be fun to have.

  5. List five things you used to enjoy doing.

  6. List five silly things you would like to try once.

5. The Gene Keys by Richard Rudd

Book Summary: The Gene Keys

Inspired by the ancient Chinese system of the I Ching, Richard Rudd’s The Gene Keys explores 64 archetypal life themes, or “keys,” that can guide us toward our higher purpose. Each gene key represents a spectrum of consciousness, from shadow (our challenges) to gift (our strengths) to siddhi (our highest potential). By contemplating the keys, we can unlock profound insights about ourselves and our purpose.

64 Life Themes of the Gene Keys

The Gene Keys offer a framework for understanding the unique gifts we are here to express. By reflecting on the keys, we can identify the themes that resonate most deeply with us and invite their energy into our lives and thus get closer to a meaningful life.

Exercise: Discover Your Resonant Gene Keys

  1. Go through the list of 64 gene keys and notice which ones evoke a strong emotional or intuitive response.

  2. Select the keys that resonate most with your current journey or go to to create your free Gene Keys Profile based on your birth date, location and time.

  3. Reflect on how you can embody the “gift” aspect of these keys in your daily life.

5 Exemplary Gene Keys for Finding your Purpose

Here are five Gene Keys and a brief summary of what they represent. They might already inspire you and resonate with you when it comes to finding your purpose. The book itself goes into much more detail when it comes to each Gene Key’s shadow, gift and siddhi.

Gene Key 1: The Gift of Freshness

The Gift of Freshness inspires you to think outside the box, creating unique solutions and new ideas that drive progress. It’s the spark of originality that challenges norms and unlocks potential. Innovators often excel as entrepreneurs, inventors, designers, artists, or tech creators, channeling their creativity to shape the future and inspire others.

“To launch your life out of the cinders, to reach for the sky, to burn with love for the new. This is the 1st Gift of all – the very ground of human Genius.” – Richard Rudd

Gene Key 2: The Gift of Unity

The Gift of Unity reflects a deep alignment with life’s flow and an intuitive understanding of how everything is interconnected. It’s the ability to foster harmony and guide others toward a shared vision. Those with this gift thrive in professions like mediators, community leaders, spiritual guides, event coordinators, or team builders, bringing people together to create something greater than themselves.

“The Gift of Orientation is so profound that it creates a torus around us. That is what our trust does – we trust the suffering of another. We open our hearts to them without Agenda, and they receive our trust at a cellular level.” – Richard Rudd

Gene Key 13: The Gift of Discernment

The Gift of Discernment enables you to truly hear beyond words, understanding the deeper messages and emotions behind what is being communicated. It’s about creating space for others to be heard and valued, fostering connection and trust. Those with this gift excel as therapists, counselors, coaches, mediators, spiritual guides, or journalists, using their listening skills to bring clarity, insight, and healing to others.

“It’s about discerning the voice of the heart from the voice of the mind. Not that the mind is wrong, but that if it comes before the heart, we’ll again have Discord. We have to discern the heart first, then bring in the mind.” – Richard Rudd

Gene Key 33: The Gift of Mindfulness

The Gift of Mindfulness allows you to honor the lessons of the past while remaining present and attuned to life’s deeper meaning. It inspires wisdom, introspection, and the ability to guide others on their journeys. Those embodying this gift often thrive as historians, archivists, spiritual teachers, storytellers, mindfulness coaches, or philosophers, preserving wisdom and helping others connect to their higher purpose.

“This Gift can turn the whole of our life into a blaze of presence and peacefulness. Retreat does not have to be something we do after we’ve been in action. The retreat can be in the action itself.” – Richard Rudd

Gene Key 64: The Gift of Imagination

The Gift of Imagination is the ability to see beyond the present moment, tapping into creative visions and profound insights. It turns chaos into clarity, transforming possibilities into inspiring realities. This gift shines in professions like writers, filmmakers, visionaries, inventors, or strategists, where creativity and problem-solving bring dreams to life.

“It takes a certain degree of madness in a person to follow this path, uncharted as it is. It is the path of the poetic soul — the lover of wildness, of spontaneity, of paradox — the lover of the moment.” – Richard Rudd

Finding Your Purpose of Life Is a Journey of Curiosity, Intuition and Deep Fulfillment

These five books offer diverse perspectives and tools to help you get into the mindset of figuring out what you want. Whether through mindfulness, intuition, creativity, or archetypal wisdom, they guide you to reconnect with your authentic self.

Discovering your purpose is a profound journey that intertwines curiosity, intuition and the pursuit of deep fulfillment. As you navigate this path, you might also turn to new books on psychology, mindfulness or spirituality for inspiration.

As you see the results of your efforts, remember to verify your progress and be ready for a breakdown of old habits that no longer serve you. The good news is that this journey can completely change your perspective on life. 

It’s important to remain resistant to distractions that tempt you away from your path. These might come up as you'll find yourself leaving your comfort zone. Challenges might come up but with a clear vision, you can obtain inner peace by striving for what truly makes you happy. Each step you take can help your dreams come true and, in the end, fulfill your life's purpose.

It’s a whole new way of living that rewards you with finding joy in every moment.

Life Purpose Online Classes & Coaching: Join the Waitlist

If you are ready to learn more about your purpose without having to read all these books and taking years of time to discover it, take the first step now and sign up for the wait list of the School of Souls online classes that will start soon.

The portfolio of tools and exercises the course contains will help you find your purpose - which is an end result as well as a continuing journey. It consists of mini-meditations, journaling prompts, tarot readings and practical exercises to connect you with both your inner and outer purpose.

As a life purpose coach, I also have spots available soon. You can sign up here for the wait list as well.


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