Is Your 'Good Enough' 9-to-5 Job Really Enough? Or Have You Just Not Found Your Life Purpose Yet?
You know the feeling? Staring out of your office window, wondering if this is all to life or if there is something more?
Your job pays the bills. It might even buy you some time beyond the 40+ hours you are working every week to spend your free time doing what makes you happy.
But are you really happy? And are you truly happy at work? Or have you just not found your why - your life purpose - yet and are therefore stuck in a position where most of us remain stuck in for life?
The Concept of the Good Enough Job by Simone Stolzoff: Reclaiming Life from Work
The concept of the “good enough job,” introduced by Simone Stolzoff in his book The Good Enough Job: Reclaiming Life from Work, challenges the notion that our careers must define our identity. For the purpose of work-life balance, Stolzoff argues that placing all our self-worth in work leads to burnout, dissatisfaction and a lack of balance in other areas of life. Instead, he advocates for embracing jobs that meet our financial and professional needs without overshadowing personal passions, relationships and well-being.
While my concept of life purpose comprises both inner and outer purpose and career is ultimately only a part of what constitutes your fulfillment, I still believe that it might fall short if the job feels unfulfilling and leaves people staring out their office window, longing for more. And: it keeps us in our comfort zones and this is actually where the true magic happens.
How the Good Enough Job and your Comfort Zone are related
The Illusion of 'Good Enough'
I am honest here: yes, a stable job with a steady paycheck gives you security. It is nothing to ridicule. But settling for "good enough" might be holding you back from living the life you have always dreamed of. The life you never really believed was possible - but shocker: it is.
Here is a little secret: Your true purpose, your 'why', is not hiding in your work inbox or your to-do list. It can only be found within your heart, waiting for you to listen to it.
The Comfort Zone Trap
A "good enough" job can be comfortable. It is familiar and safe - and it does not demand too much from you. It most likely does not ask you very often to leave your comfort zone, or does it?
It lulls you into this feeling of comfort and financial security and okayness. Making you forget about the dreams and ambitions you once had.
But there is one big thing that I have learned: The life you have been dreaming about (until you forgot about it), is a life that lies outside of your comfort zone. Usually even, our biggest fulfillment lies behind our greatest fears. And it is an effort to make this bold move. To reach for the stars, almost. But is is worth every uncomfortable step until the uncomfortable becomes comfortable.
The Cost of Settling for a 'Good Enough' Job
When you settle for "good enough," you might be sacrificing the following:
Personal growth and development
The opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the world
The joy of doing work that truly resonates with your values
The chance to reach your full potential
The deep gratitude you experience when you live the life of your dreams
Signs Your Job Might Not Be 'Good Enough':
Here are some key indicators to consider whether you are still happy in your “good enough” job:
On Sundays, you already dread going to work the next day
You daydream about quitting more often than you would like to admit
Your lack meaning at work, despite the fancy job title
You feel a nagging sense that you are meant for something more
Embracing a Life Beyond 'Good Enough': Connect With Your Heart To Find Your Life Purpose
I do not think life is meant to be a series of monotonous Mondays. Imagine instead waking up excited for the day ahead, knowing that your work gives you a sense of fulfillment, makes an impact in the world and aligns with your wildest dreams.
Your dream life is not a fantasy. It is waiting for you to claim it. But you cannot look for it with your mind. You have to look for it in your heart, first.
The Journey to Purpose: Leading You Back Into Your Heart To Find It
Are you ready for a life beyond ‘good enough’? Through meditation, journaling and 1:1 coaching, I will lead you back into your heart where you will find it.
Where the life of your dreams is not a distant childhood dream but will soon become your life.